Sports Rehabilitation is a multi-disciplinary approach to treat injuries sustained through sports,gym, work and everyday activities so the individual can regain normal pain-free mobility.
The most common injuries treated by sports rehab therapist are;
- Sprains
- Strains
- Lower Back Pain
- Tendinitis
- Movement Dysfunctions
The central aim is to rehabilitate people back to full, functional fitness to be able to meet the demands of their sport/activity or everyday lifestyle . We can also continue to work with patients through strength and conditioning; which aims to prevent further injury. Sports rehabilitation therapists look at the whole body not just the injured area, and old injuries that haven't fully recovered.
A session with a sports rehabilitation therapist will involves stretching, a hands on approach and exercise routines. Learning and understanding the importance of the anatomy, stretching will help to regain the muscles normal length to optimise pain-free motion. A solid exercise programme will focus on strength, endurance, flexibility and balance . Hands on approach helps to speed recovery and build better muscle tissue.